Matches required folder structure with no extraneous pages (e.g., delete the about.qmd page that was created by default and will be unused)
Navbar includes, at minimum, links to Home, Labs, Resources, and Blog pages. (Additional pages are fine.)
.gitignore file with appropriate entries to prevent Quarto render files from being committed to version control (e.g., ignore .quarto/ and _site).
Home page contains headshot
Home page contains short bio
Home page contains link to other web presence (LinkedIn and Github at minimum)
Labs page contains a list of the labs for the semester along with titles (e.g., Lab 1: FPGA and MCU Setup and Testing) as h2 headings (i.e., put a ## in front of the text in your .qmd file)
Resources page contains link to the course website
Blog page contains an initial reflections post (topic is up to you, but you might consider sharing some of your goals for the semester in MicroPs) (autopopulated from file in posts/ folder)